1) Left over Easter goodie: I made Ethan another little bunny stuffie for Easter. This pattern was super easy (and I think its cuter than the sock bunny). For the fabric I used 2 of Ethan's old baby t-shirts. I love the stripes and the embroidery on the face kinda makes him look like a chubby, grumpy bunny! I found the pattern at Chez Beeper Bebe.
2) Ethan's birthday party: This year I decided that I would throw Ethan a REAL birthday party (i.e. one that did not just include family members). So Ethan invited all his little friends from daycare. For a theme Ethan picked robots...I thought that this was a pretty do-able theme, after all you can still find tons of transformer merchandise. Well I was very wrong! I did manage to find wonderful robot party invites and goody bag toppers at Wendolonia. After scouring all of the shops in my small town I was unable to find any little plastic robots for cupcake toppers. Here is what I can up with:
The party turned out pretty well! Ethan and his little buddies had a blast. We found a Transformers pinata that the kids could not break into! They ended up tearing this poor Transformer apart with their bare hands! So savage!
3) Our new pet: Ok I know this has nothing to do with sewing or craftiness...but I would like to introduce you to our first family pet: Peanut. Peanut is a butterscotch teddy bear hamster.