Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentine's Day

Normally I am a cynic who believes Valentine's Day is a cheesy, commercialized, Hallmark created holiday. However, when you have a child every holiday is special. So I shelved my cynicism and created some Valentine's goodies for the kids at my son's daycare.

I created conversation heart bags out of felt, very similar to the ones created by Simply Feather. The difference being that I was too cheap to buy red fabric paint so I embroidered the messages. This worked for me because I only had 5 bags to create...but I would not suggest it if you are making a large number!

I stuffed the bags with various goodies: heart magnets inspired by Heidi Kenney, I used foam hearts instead of wooden ones (not the best choice) but my town is lacking in craft essentials. I picked chocolate instead of candy because there are some younger children at the daycare (no choking!). Finally, the typical drug store Valentine cards. Ethan picked Transformers for the boys and I convinced him to give the girls beautiful vintage inspired Valentine's that I picked up last year.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lazy Saturday

After a busy week it was nice to spend the day relaxing with Ethan. I decided to make a couple batches of play dough. Most people have made thier own play dough before but for those of you who haven't here is my recipe.

You will need:

1 cup of flour
1/2 cup salt1 cup of water
1 tbsp oil
1 tsp Cream of Tartar
Food Colouring

Cook over medium heat until mixture pulls away from the sides of the pot and become 'play dough' like in consistency. Knead until cool.

Mixture keeps for 3 months un-refrigerated.

Ethan loved his new play dough!